
Contract Downloads

If you have been approved, congratulations! You're one step closer to bringing home your very own Golden Paws Fur Baby! Your next step is to officially reserve your spot on our list by submitting a NON-REFUNDABLE $500 reservation fee! Payments may be made through Venmo or PayPal + 3 % for the service fees. We have a separate wait list for each litter. When you submit your payment, you will be added to the list. Your reservation fee will go towards the final puppy price. 

*Should you choose to forfeit your reservation fee at any time, you will be removed from the list. Your submitted reservation fee/place on the waitlist cannot be transferred to a friend or family member.

**Golden Paws Fur Babies reserves to right to reserve pick(s) of the litter at any time from any litter for the preservation of our breeding program.

Please read the Health Guarantee & Conditions of Sale prior to submitting an application or reservation fee.